A Prayer for Our Children
We come together, a collective of women, mothers of all, to pray for our children. May our words be heard and actioned from the realms of all possibility, as a prayer of the highest order.
We pray, from the depths of our souls, that our babies, our little ones, from whomever wombs they were birthed, be wrapped in God’s infinite blanket of love and protection.
May Divine Light infuse our children’s cells and surroundings, regardless of where their physical may reside.
May every single child be given the gift of remembrance of their true Divine selves, knowing we are praying for them. May they know our words and intentions contain great power, so they may feel comfort.
May our children be rescued into the arms of safety, love and infinite protection.
We pray those who are asleep to the pain of our children now awaken to the reality of all that is, so we may all link hearts and arms to come together for those whom are our responsibility.
We pray for every single child on Mother Gaia. We pray the wings of angels wrap around their tiny bodies to protect them in this moment and all moments to come.
We invoke great, positive change for our children. We command our intentions into becoming so our children may be freed from all that may enslave them.
We are the mothers and fathers of the light and we call to God, to the infinite wisdom and birther of all things to bring peace, harmony and freedom to our children.
May this prayer, and all of the prayers forthcoming, be heard throughout the cosmos, reaching the ears and hearts of all whom need to hear it, all within the womb of the Mother of all Creation.
May God action our calling now.

Main image: Ben White Photography
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