As women, we each have unique needs. Yet, often we feel we are lacking support in our journey. My role is to be a guide to help women feel heard, seen and cared about, all the while giving actionable steps to help facilitate healing and emotional wellbeing. Below are service offerings that are available, including email support designed to span 40 days to help women who prefer privacy, but also want to move forward with purpose and optimal health and vitality.
Email support
Weekly email support over eight weeks. Four emails per week. Suited for women wanting private support and actionable guidance.
Video consults
A one-hour session tailored to your needs. A support for emotional wellbeing and actionable tools. Email follow-up.
green your routine
One-hour video session and tailored email support to assist you in overhauling your skincare and personal care products.
In order to heal or feel better, we must first step up and be willing to embark on the journey. By showing up we set a very clear intention to our body, mind and soul that we are ready to grow. The first step begins with willingness to change. Are you ready?
Ask the questions: Who am I really? What is my body trying to tell me? Where do I go from here? What does my body want me to do in this moment? It is in the allowing of the answers we may find nuggets that lead to our healing.