Nutrition: What It Really Is
Nutrition is much more than the food we eat. Authentic nutrition feeds the mind, body and the soul, with no distinction between each. One cannot be authentically nourished without the other. Anything else is but a mask for the possibility of nutrition, but not the reality of what nutrition really is.
This interconnectedness has laid dormant beneath the surface of our consciousness, with traditional and social media feeding our minds with junk food, willing us to believe our physical is the only thing that matters within the landscape of a truly happy life. The piles of diet plans collecting dust in the book store bargain bin are obvious clues we’ve followed the wrong advice.
Nourish the mind, we grow. Nourish the soul, we evolve. Nourish the body, we embody.
Once we have aligned with the trinity of authentic nutrition, we simply cannot make food choices that are wrong for our body, unless we make the decision to do so. We begin to understand, at an innate level, exactly what our body needs to thrive in order to feed our soul, to ultimately take us to new heights, that is, new levels of consciousness. This feeding of authentic goodness can only arise with a clear intention to make the change.
Beyond our awareness of what has always been, lies the possibility of what already exists on a level we have not yet accessed, but is our divine right. Truly nourishing our entire being begins with a thought and a belief there is more waiting for us than celebrity advice on how to look a certain way via the foods we put in our mouths.
Nourish the mind, we begin to see the possibilities. Nourish the soul, we radiate with love. Nourish the body, we step into our earthly life purpose with greater ease, clarity and energy.
Nutrition is not just the food we eat. Authentic nutrition is an activation that enables our mind, body and soul to sing in harmony, so we may walk the path intended for us.
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Main image: Michael Liao