Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Bowl
Heavy metal detoxing is a critical component of any holistic healing protocol. I’m covering it in my book, but there is also some great information here.
While foods such as cilantro are excellent for pulling heavy metals from the body, there are also some supplements to have on hand at all times such as spirulina and wheatgrass juice. Iodine and zeolite are also excellent for removing heavy metals. I also work with homeopathy.
Because heavy metals are basically everywhere, consistent action is needed to experience a body free of these damaging elements to free up burden on the organs and entire body. It’s also about minimising your exposure as much as possible. Heavy metals are found in drinking water (unfiltered tap), via the foods we eat (from cans and sprays), pharmaceutical medications (vaccines) and even the air we breathe (chemtrails)—just to name a few.
In the colder months, I start my day with a smoothie bowl, or in summer a smoothie. I tend to change up ingredients, depending upon what is growing in my backyard and what is available at the local weekly market. The recipe below is what I’ve been having the past week, as I focus on detoxing from heavy metals.
Smoothie bowls are brilliant for getting a lot of nutrition in without overloading the digestion. Always remember to chew each mouthful, as it’s still important to get the digestive juices working to help break down the nutrients the body needs to absorb.
As we’re talking about detoxing, it is really important to choose certified organic produce and supplements, or spray free from your local market.
With any detox, it’s important to support the liver, so any ingredients that are good for the liver are excellent for adding to your own heavy metal detox smoothie recipe (I love to add bioavailable Vitamin C, which also helps with uptake of iron from the greens). If you are able to have regular far infrared sauna sessions, this will also help the process of heavy metals removal.
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

(serves 2)
Use all organic ingredients if possible. If you can’t it is extremely important to wash produce thoroughly with apple cider vinegar and/or a natural produce cleanser.
2 handfuls baby spinach
2 large leaves curly kale
1 kiwi fruit
1 banana
1 apple
1 pear
1/2 cucumber
1 TSB dehydrated lemon rind and pith
Fennel to taste
1 tsp pure spirulina
1 tsp pure wheatgrass juice powder
2 tsp pure blueberry powder
Supplements to add:
2 capsules bioavailable Vitamin C
1 glutathione tablet
1 capsule 5-MTHF
2 capsules magnesium glycinate
1 capsule red raspberry leaves
1/4 cup pure spring water or properly filtered water
Blend thoroughly
Serve in a bowl topped with organic hemp hearts, chia seeds and goji berries.
Please note, I am in no way affiliated with Flower of Life (as per links above) and do not benefit in any way from recommending them. I simply purchase my own supplements from the company because they are some of the purest available.