Heal Prolapse: a Holistic Guide
This is an abridged excerpt from my just-released book HEALING PROLAPSE: Where to Begin. I hope some of what I share here inspires you to go forth and embrace your own unique healing journey.
My book goes into much greater detail. This list is simply a guide to help women who do not know where to start with to heal prolapse with a holistic approach.
• I worked with various holistic practitioners throughout my healing journey to heal prolapse. I also worked extensively with (certified pure) essential oils. The modalities/therapies I highly recommend are Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), AromaTouch massage, homeopathy, bodywork and energy work including Reiki, NeuroLink, kinesiology, acupuncture, osteopathy, chakra work, meditation, subliminal meditations, ZYTO and EVOX biofeedback, yoga, Naam Yoga, crystal healing, sound healing, light language, Access Consciousness, intuitive coaching and more.
• I believe most women who experience prolapse have lack of support in their life, whether it be emotional, physical (such as fear of losing shelter) or financial—or all. I also believe women with prolapse feel, at some level, they are not “enough”.
• Holding emotions in eventually results in physical fallout. This has proven very true for me.
• When I felt emotionally down, my uterus would drop down.
• We may have taken on womb trauma as experienced by our own mother, grandmother and ancestral lineage. Sometimes some of our stuff didn’t originate with ourselves.
• Drink the highest quality water possible. Bottled water contains chemicals that negatively affect health—as does tap water. I highly recommend filtering water effectively and GIA i-Water. In order to heal prolapse we must insist on this as a foundational prerequisite for our healing journey.
• EMF and Wifi create very real health issues, compromising the integrity of our cells and more. Proper protection is crucial in any healing process, and prolapse is no different.
• Posture is an important part of prolapse recovery. Correct posture, however, also relies on energy. A closed heart chakra, for example, may cause a person to stoop.
• Walk barefoot on the earth as often as possible. The importance of this simple activity cannot be stressed enough. We were not born to wear shoes. Many of our ailments may be traced back to the fact we are disconnected from our Mother (Earth).
• Elevate your hips under a pillow while sleeping. Working with gravity is a great way to support the body during the healing process. I also used to lie on a slope in my backyard. This had the added benefit of grounding and allowed me to connect to Mother Nature, breathe deeply and consciously, while also have some reprieve from prolapse symptoms.
• Working on our energetic bodies is just as important, if not more important, than working on our physical bodies when it comes to healing the roots of prolapse.
• We are not our genes. Science, through the field of epigenetics, has proven our genes can change. We are more influenced by our environment than of what we perceive to be physical realities.
• No matter how engrained, we can change our beliefs from those that do not support us, to those that do. I have employed various modalities to help with this and personally trained in Psych-K.
• Focusing on what you want to be your reality, and what you believe can be your reality, is much more potent, and allows us to get from where we are to where we want to be. Focusing on what we perceive to be our reality only creates more of the same.
• We are of nature, therefore everything we need for healing is within the womb of Mother Nature.• Forgiveness of self and others is vital when healing any dis-ease.
• Take daily time for self-care by the way of massage over the abdomen using (only pure) essential oils, diluted with fractionated coconut oil. I only use and recommend certified pure tested grade oils due to their purity and potency.
• Take a hot bath with two cups of Epsom salts (with a few drops of lavender essential oil if you wish) twice per week, just before bed. Soak for 20 minutes. Don’t use any soaps during this bath and wrap up warm straight afterwards.
• Seek out the advice of a highly experienced homeopath. The right remedy for your constitution and situation may help heal ligaments and also be supportive emotionally.
• Clean out your pantry, your bathroom cabinet and laundry. Remove all toxic products from skincare to shower cleaners. Check labels and learn how the ingredients may be impacting your health. Doing this is critical to the holistic healing protocol.
• Stop wearing synthetic perfumes. These are known carcinogens and affect the body in innumerable negative ways. Every synthetic perfume is made up of thousands of health-disrupting chemicals.• Mothers also need to look after themselves through regular self-care. Self-support is an important part of the prolapse healing journey.
• It is possible to remove yourself from negative situations without physically removing yourself. I have found this is an important part of the healing process. This can be done through visualisation, essential oils and other modalities. Refer to the practitioners at the end of this book for further information.
• Asking questions out loud or written down is one of the most powerful things you can do. The answers always come, in one form or another.
• Surrounding yourself with a community is medicine for the soul. Regardless of where you perceive yourself being right now, it is possible to find your tribe, whether it is online or in your town or city.
Find HEALING PROLAPSE: Where to Begin, here.
If you would also like to access my book HEALING PROLAPSE: 100+ Affirmations for Your Journey Within, please click here for the PDF version or click here for the ePub version on KOBO. Find the paperback version here.
Wishing you much support for your own unique healing journey, Shannon xx